The school wide Music program at Santa Clara Elementary School (SCES) provides students in all grades, Transitional Kindergarten through Eighth, with a broad-based music curriculum and performance opportunities in the fine arts. Each class attends Music class for approximately one hour each week throughout the academic year. Our highly-trained, experienced and qualified SCES Music/Choir Director holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music.
Our SCES Music and Choir Director coordinates and supervises the Santa Clara Elementary School Music Program and Choir. During their weekly grade-level Music classes, students learn basic music theory, including notes on the treble and bass clefs, accidentals, rhythm, and basic music terminology.
The SCES Music curriculum also includes sections on Music History and Music Appreciation. The remaining classroom curriculum/time is spent focused on teaching the students singing techniques, preparing and learning liturgical songs for our school morning Masses, as well as preparing for our major annual all-school performance at the SCES Christmas Program.
SCES also provides a wonderful school choir for students in Grades 3-8, which sings at the school Masses and other special events.